[:en]A career in the creative industries may seem like a far stretch to some, especially if you think that ‘making it’ in the industry means being a famous musician or film director. However, the global creative industry is big business, meaning it employs a lot of different people. The global cultural and creative industries generated US$2,250 billion in revenue and generated 29.5 million jobs in 2015.* At JMC Academy we know this is serious business and we want to help you be a part of it.
To give you an idea of the types of jobs you can have in the creative industries, we’ve put together a list of 5 of our alumni careers. These are just a few of the many different careers our alumni are working in:
1. Head of Content Development, Virtual Reality
George Kacevski is Head of Content Development for virtual reality specialist The Pulse, a creative agency with offices in Sydney and Hong Kong. George studied a degree in Animation at JMC then completed a Master’s in Design Science at Sydney University.
‘As a producer, I’ve had the opportunity to work on award winning live-action films, 2d and 3d animated content and commercials, and currently, game development and interactivity on internationally acclaimed VR experiences: all skills I learnt at JMC.’
2. Audio Director, Ubisoft Canada
Aldo Sampaio is the Audio Director for gaming giant Ubisoft Canada , responsible for directing audio on games like Prince of Persia: the Forgotten Sands and several Assassin’s Creed games. He studied Audio Engineering and Sound Production at JMC.
‘While learning about the art of sound production, I soon realised that this was just the tip of the ice¬berg and that there is so much you can do in this industry from sound design for film to mixing live sound in a pub.’
3. Screen Composer, Lifestyle
Amara Primero is a freelance screen composer who specialises in writing for lifestyle television programs. She completed the Bachelor of Music at JMC Academy.
'If you’re a composer and you can do every type of music, you can step up and say, ‘You want hip hop? Sure, I’ll do that. You want action? You want something dark? I can do it.’ I think if you’re versatile, you’re opening up yourself for more work.'
4. Manager, Ditto Music Distribution
Henrietta Ekern is Manager of Ditto Music in Stockholm, Sweden. She completed an internship with the company after studying Entertainment Management as an international student at JMC Academy in Melbourne. When the time came for the company to expand offshore, she was the ideal candidate.
'At Ditto we work with heaps of different independent artists as well as independent record labels. I love the fact that I get to help people have their music heard without being signed to a major label. There are so many great and passionate musicians out there.'
5. Creative Services Manager, Channel 9
Charles Duncombe is Creative Services Manager for national broadcaster Channel 9. He produces promotional ads for the many programs on the channel. His career has also allowed him to broadcast major sports events, including the London Olympics and the FIFA World Cup in Brazil. He studied Film and Television at JMC.
'I truly love what I do - plan, create and execute ideas. I believe that a bad day as a Promo Producer beats a good day of doing just about anything else.'
Are you ready?
With the right guidance, expert industry advice, space and community in which to create and collaborate and an investment in skills, talents and passions, you could begin a long-lasting career in the lucrative global creative industries. Let JMC Academy be your partner for the journey.
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